Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

my first experience dealing with english

     My first experience dealing with English when I was in elementary school. I find it difficult to learn. but I am not discouraged. I keep trying to learn it until I understand. in elementary school, middle school, high school, even college I continued to study it. and until I can speak english.I think learning English is fun and exciting. I got a lot of experience, ranging from one to pronounce the words mixed up sense of the word.
       I understand how important it is to learn English because English is the language of the world. if you do not speak English, be embarrassed by other friends. because it could be the subject of ridicule.
skills required to work in English. to travel abroad as well at least we should be able to speak English with the locals. Without English we can not explore the world.  in the modern era such as this it would hurt us if it does not understand English.

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