Kamis, 05 April 2012

Differentiation generation y, generation x, and baby boomers

  • Generation "Y" (1977 - present)

Apparently this term is used to present youths with births after 1977. They could be called the Millennium generation and interenet. His life is all-digital, everywhere carrying Ipod. Ears always gagged her name means "headset."

  • GenerationX(1965-1976)

Apparently the name comes from Jane Deverson research in the UK in 1964. He examined the behavior of young people who begin to fade when it's respect for "bonyok," do not like the Queen of England, to sleep before the marriage is "cool", came the music kind of punk that is considered phenomenal and this generation is called generation X with a span of 1965 to 1976.

Another characteristic fond of shopping, cluber weight. In the life span of this year came as hippies, hashish, marijuana, nudists so often referred to as the generation of oblique apathetic, cynical, gedombrongan. Philosophy of life "Work To Live" is not live to work. If traveling is always looking for challenges alias sensation. Snared characteristic neck scarf dresses, shoes keds and pocket books. They are impatient temperament.

The surplus on this generation of emerging attitudes and Technical Friendly enterprener such as PCs began to become known by this era.

  • Baby Boomer (1945-1964).
Said Baby Boomer seems to be taken after the war, Australians, Canadians, British and Americans as a race to make the child so that the birth rate "ngeboom."

This group of people, when traveling as studying the book. Handle passport, and if a trip is more like driving your own car let alone a double axle. In bag always tucked into travel brochures, maps and sometimes PDA.

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