Senin, 28 Mei 2012

My inspired most by 'Katniss'

Katniss, because she loved his family, after her father died she had been the backbone of her family. With his love of hunting in the woods she was biased to provide some food for her mother and sister.
One day her sister was selected as the participants 'Hunger Games', aware of her sister were able to win any game katniss replace her brother to participate in the competition. Because she did not want to lose a sister who is very dear .
Katniss has the attitude of loyalty herd, the values
​​of friendship, and sacrifice for a Katniss. When the other participants have the desire to kill as blinded by the desire to win games, Katniss stick to his conscience to do not kill the process if not necessary. Katnis while still protecting Lue, Lue is one of the enemy. she can not bear to think of an enemy because in addition Lue was a kid, Lue also a treat when katniss injured. Katniss keep Lue like her brother, and eventually killed by his enemies Lue others.
Until the end of the match left 2 people the same district. Regulations require that the winner of that game. Only remaining katniss and peeta. They should kill one another. Peeta has to give up when in won this match by katniss, because peeta not want to kill the girl he loves. And did not want to kill katniss peeta, she chose no one better to win this competition  by eating poisonous fruit. But eventually the organizers changed the rules to be two people who won the round in the same district.

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